(949) 800-8668 support@thenocc.org

Cannabis Compliance Analysis

Cannabis Compliance Analysis

Are you interested in starting or expanding your compliance support because of a recent violation? Do you need to file license renewals and want help? Do you want to make sure your business is following all required rules and regulations? Before hiring a compliance officer or assistant, you may consider NOCC’s Compliance Management Program as a support system. Our Compliance Management Program is the perfect compliment to your onsite employees as we operate both as a partner and internal auditor to keep things in check. This analysis will cover a review of your compliance history with all relevant agencies, as well as a deep dive into the inner workings of your business.

Our Compliance Analysis is designed to answer the following questions:

  • Is my business in compliance with all of my permit and license requirements?
  • Am I facing any future violations?
  • What steps need to be taken to bring any approvals current or clear any deficiencies?
  • What fees need to be paid now or in the near future?
  • How can I implement a compliance program that is cost efficient and also effective?
  • What are my compliance responsibilities moving forward?

Our Process

Our Compliance Analysis involves the following steps:

Complete Intake Questionnaire
Our team will start our analysis by first collaborating with you to complete a questionnaire that identifies your business and any pertinent information.

Review Compliance Status
Our team will then review your business documents and correspond with the relevant agencies to determine the status of your permits and licenses. Depending on your needs, we will complete this analysis by:

  • Complete License Renewal
  • Develop Compliance Program
  • Resolve Compliance Issue, or Provide Recommendations

Complete License Renewal
The NOCC team will complete your license renewal, if all documents and other requirements are up to date, or recommend a scope of work to complete outstanding tasks.

Resolve Compliance Issue
Our team will attempt to resolve your compliance issue or recommend a course of action if additional documents or tasks are required that are beyond the scope of this analysis.

Develop Compliance Schedule & Prepare Program
NOCC analysts will then prepare a schedule that identifies approval and compliance requirements for your business, along with a recommended program.

Discuss Recommendations
Our strategists will finally meet with you and discuss our recommendations.

How You Benefit

Our Compliance Analysis is designed to help you resolve any current violations, complete a renewal, or prepare a custom compliance program for your business. If you are still interested in pursuing your ideas after completing this step, we can help you with the next steps:

Complimentary Analysis Packages

• Market Analysis
• Investment & Profit Analysis
• Operations Analysis

Once you are comfortable moving forward, our team can help you implement a full solution to realize your goals. Our clients typically move on to the following steps:

Due Diligence

• Review and Advice
• Project Assessment
• Business & Operations Planning
• Facility Design
• Business Deck


• Compliance Management
• Operations Management